GE Dryer Reset(How-To, Button Location, Troubleshooting)

ge dryer reset button

A dryer consists of a drum that works in tandem with a motor, pulleys, and heated air to dry wet laundry. Dryers fail all the time. You have to learn to troubleshoot these appliances because some of the problems they develop have simple solutions. Don’t be so quick to waste money on a professional technician when you can get your GE dryer to work by simply resetting it.

Does A GE Dryer Have A Reset Button?

A GE Dryer has a reset button. This doesn’t apply to every single GE dryer. Some models(DBSR453EB3WW) do not have reset buttons. Check the manual to find out whether yours has a reset button and where it is located.

If you don’t have a manual, visit the GE website. Though, it might be easier to call the GE customer support line. They can tell you everything you need to know about the GE dryer.

Can You Reset A GE Dryer?

You can reset a GE dryer by simply pressing the reset button. But if you don’t know where the reset button is located, turn the dryer off. Unplug the appliance completely. Reconnect it to a power source and turn it back on. This is enough to reset it.

In some cases, you have to wait thirty seconds before you reconnect the dryer. The goal is to allow the motor to cool. Resetting a GE dryer will eliminate Code E3-E6 errors.

An E3-E6 error occurs when the thermistor malfunctions. The Thermistor keeps an eye on the temperature inside the drum. Frequent overheating can damage the thermistor. Once it malfunctions, you will see the E3-E6 error code.

This is not the only error that resetting can solve. In fact, you should make it a habit to reset the dryer whenever an error occurs.

You should only consult a technician when resetting fails to solve the problem.

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Where Is The Reset Button On A GE Dryer?

You find the reset button on the control panel. You can also check the plug. Apparently, you can find the reset button on the front. Again, don’t be afraid to check the manual or to consult the manufacturer. If you can’t find the reset button, they will tell you where to look.

How Do I Reset My GE Dryer?

  • The most obvious option is the reset button. You can find it on the control panel or the front of the plug. Press it to reset the GE dryer.
  • You can also reset the dryer by turning it off and disconnecting the appliance from its power source. Give it ten minutes to cool before reconnecting the dryer and turning it on.

A tripped circuit breaker can stop a GE dryer from working. However, if the breaker did not trip, you can reset the dryer by turning the breaker off and then on.

How Do I Reset My GE Dryer After A Power Outage?

If you tried resetting the dryer the normal way after a power outage and it refused to start, more than likely, the thermal fuse has blown. The thermal fuse is a very important component that prevents overheating.

If it blows, the dryer won’t start no matter how many times you reset it. But how can you determine whether or not the fuse has blown? This is what you should do:

1). Find The Fuse

First of all, find the fuse. This means accessing the back of the dryer and removing the vent and the panel. You should see the fuse at the lower left. With some models, you have to open the top of the dryer.

2). Test The Fuse

Test the fuse by placing the right lead of a multimeter on the right side of the fuse and the left lead on the left side. The multimeter’s needle should move. If it stays still, the fuse is dead.

If you don’t have a multimeter, remove the wires from the fuse and connect them with tape. If you start the machine and it works, you can conclude that the fuse is dead.

3). Replace The Fuse

Yes, the dryer will work without the fuse if you bypass the component by taping the wires together. But this practice is not safe. You should only bypass the fuse during emergencies. Eventually, you must replace the fuse.

You should also take a moment to identify the factors that caused the fuse to blow.

One common cause is the vent. The vent can become clogged, leading to overheating. Normally, the thermostat will respond by shutting down. But frequent bouts of overheating can have lasting consequences for your dyer.

Why Should I Reset My Dryer?

Resetting the dryer will solve a lot of basic glitches and problems. You see this in brands like Samsung. It isn’t just a GE solution. Glitches in electronic devices happen all the time, especially when a power outage occurs.

You can eliminate most of those glitches and errors by simply resetting the dryer.

GE Dryer Reset Button Not Working – Why?

Reset buttons can stop working for any number of reasons, including loose connections, worn-out wires, and a blown control board, to mention but a few.

Fortunately, you can also reset the GE dryer by disconnecting it from the power source and reconnecting it. If the dryer has a breaker, you can try resetting it as well.

GE Dryer Troubleshooting Tips

The reset button can solve a lot of problems. But it cannot solve every single problem. If your GE Dryer won’t run and resetting the appliance isn’t working, you can try the following solutions:

1). First of all, make sure the dryer is connected to a power source. Test the plug to ensure that it is secure in the outlet. Change outlets. For all you know, the outlet closest to the dryer has stopped working.

2). Have you checked the plug? Loose wires and a blown fuse can prevent the plug from giving the GE dryer the power it needs to run.

3). Check the door. The dryer won’t work unless the door is firmly shut. If the door is shut securely but the dryer won’t run, inspect the door switch. A damaged door switch will affect the dryer’s functions.

4). Make sure the fuses and breakers are working. Replace every blown fuse.

5). Clean the vents and traps. If they clog, they can cause overheating

6). While it rarely happens, the start switch can fail. If you keep pushing the start switch but nothing is happening, test it to ensure that it is still operational.

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