CVS heating pads are typically reliable. But they are not perfect. Like every other electronic device on the market, they can fail. Once that happens, you must learn to interpret their error codes. This is the only way to fix them. Every CVS heating pad has a manual that will tell you everything you need to know about the device’s operations. But if you don’t have a manual on hand, this guide will help you make sense of the various errors that typically assault CVS heating pads.
How Do I Reset My CVS Heating Pad?
- Find the power cord and pull it out of the wall outlet
- Wait 30 seconds
- Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.
Resetting a heating pad is that simple. It doesn’t always work. But you don’t lose anything by trying it. You don’t have to do it once. Try resetting the heating pad a few more times before you give up.
Reasons To Reset CVS Heating Pad
People reset heating pads when they develop glitches and malfunctions. The symptoms of those malfunctions will vary. This is what you can expect:
1). Inactive
Some heating pads will stop working altogether. They will refuse to generate heat even when the power cord is firmly connected to a working wall outlet. If you can’t identify an obvious reason that has prevented the heating pad from working, your technician will encourage you to reset it.
2). Fluctuations
Some heating pads will go on and off. Occasionally, you can blame the issue on a loose or broken wire. However, this phenomenon can also occur because of an electronic glitch.
3). Insufficient Heat
Some heating pads will work consistently, but they won’t generate sufficient heat.
4). Automatic Shutdown
Some heating pads will shut down automatically every few minutes without warning. This isn’t a problem if the heating pad is programmed to shut down after a specific duration. But if your device doesn’t have such a feature, unexpected shutdowns should concern you.
CVS Heating Pad Error Codes
People find heating pad error codes annoying. And in many situations, their only goal is to eliminate those alerts. They don’t realize that error codes are beneficial. They will let you know when things go wrong. You can also use error codes to diagnose your heating pad.
They will tell you what went wrong and how you can fix it. Naturally, error codes won’t help you if you don’t know what they mean. Fortunately, you have this guide. It will give you some much-needed insight into some of the error codes you will see.
CVS Heating Pad Error Code e4 – Meaning
You will see E4 when an error condition occurs. It could be a simple glitch that has prevented the blanket from turning on or a disconnected wire somewhere. Either way, it isn’t necessarily a serious concern.
If you visit the CVS website, it can provide a thorough breakdown of the potential sources of an E4 error.
How To Fix It?
Try resetting the blanket. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, wait a minute or two, and then plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.
CVS Heating Pad Error Code e3 – Meaning
E3 typically points to overheating. It can also manifest as a result of a loose connection in the blanket or at the wall outlet. When you don’t connect them firmly to a wall outlet, they will flash an error message because they cannot get the power they need.
You will see a similar issue in Sunbeam heating blankets.
How To Fix It?
- You should start by resetting the blanket. Unplug the power cord, wait a few minutes, and plug the cable back into a reliable power source. Resetting the heating pad will eliminate the error code.
- You should ensure that the plug is firm and secure in the wall outlet. You should also test the outlet. Make sure it is operational. Loose connections and corroded wires can compromise a wall outlet.
CVS Heating Pad Error Code EE – Meaning
The heating element is inactive. You will see this error when you plug heating pads and blankets into surge strips. A surge protector can compromise the pad’s power supply.
How To Fix It?
Start by resetting the heating pad. Unplug it from the wall outlet and wait 30 seconds to a minute before reconnecting it to the outlet. Avoid power strips and surge protectors. Plug the heating pad directly into the wall outlet. This is the only way to give the heating pad access to a consistent and reliable power supply.
Some heating pads will display an EE error code because the plug is loosely connected to the wall outlet. Make sure the plug is firm.
If the EE error code persists, you should consult CVS. You probably have a problem with the controller.
CVS Heating Pad Error Code F2 – Meaning
You get F2 error codes when you fail to plug the heating pad directly into a wall outlet. For instance, if you use a surge protector, power strip, or extension cord, the heating pad will alert you that it cannot get the power it needs to operate optimally.
How To Fix It?
Make sure the heating pad’s connections are secure. Check the plug in the wall outlet. If the plug’s grip on the outlet’s slots is loose, you should troubleshoot the outlet. For all you know, the contacts are worn out.
Avoid extension cords, power strips, and surge protectors. Connect the plug directly to the wall outlet. If the F2 error code persists, reset the heating pad by disconnecting it from the power source, waiting several seconds, and reconnecting the device.
CVS Heating Pad Blinking Red Light – Why?
The most common cause of a blinking red light is a loose connection. But finding the exact location of the loose connection is easier said than done because this issue can manifest in the heating pad or the control cord.
How To Fix It?
The first step is to reset the pad by unplugging the cord from the wall outlet. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you should consult a technician.
Broken wire in the pad can lead to blinking.
A layperson cannot identify or resolve broken wires in heating pads and blankets. Broken cables are more common than you think. Consumers don’t apply quite as much care as manufacturers expect when they wash their pads and blankets.
They don’t realize that washers and dryers can destroy the product’s sensitive circuitry, not to mention the wires. This is why manufacturers provide manuals with detailed cleaning instructions.
They want consumers to keep their heating pads clean without compromising the delicate components.
Before you hire a technician, check the power cord. Is it secure in the outlet? Some pads will flash red because the plug is not secure in the outlet. Others will display this warning because the blanket is connected to a surge protector.
Don’t permit your technician to tamper with the heating blanket until you consult the manufacturer’s warranty policy. You may have the option of returning the blinking heating pad.
But if you allow the technician to pry the control open, you may void the warranty. Find out what the manufacturer’s policies have to say. If they offer free maintenance and repair, take advantage of these offers.
What Happens After Resetting CVS Heating Pad?
You reset a CVS heating pad by unplugging the device from the wall outlet. Therefore, if you plug it back into the wall outlet, it will start normally. If the resetting procedure fixed the problem, the heating pad will generate the heat you need without displaying error codes.
Does Only Resetting Fix All The Issues Of CVS Heating Pad?
Resetting is the easiest solution to a glitchy heating pad. But it doesn’t always work. In fact, if your device has a severe problem, resetting won’t help you. Resetting is the first step because it solves simple issues.
If this technique has failed to produce results, you can try the following:
1). You can fix a blinking heating pad by cleaning the control unit. You have to disconnect the device from the wall outlet before you proceed. Get a screwdriver and open the control unit.
2). You don’t have to stop at cleaning the control unit. Once you open it, look for loose connections and tighten them.
3). Check the plug in the wall outlet. Is it shifting and dancing? The plug should be secure. If it has too much play, you either need a new plug or a new outlet. You can fix outlets with worn-out contacts. But sometimes, you are better off getting a new one.
4). Don’t tangle the power cord. If the cable is already twisted, unravel it.
5). Hunker has listed a series of steps that consumers can use to test a heating pad’s controller with a multimeter. The goal is to identify signs of an open circuit or the absence of a connection. The multimeter will tell you whether or not the current is flowing optimally.
6). Some heating pads are beyond repair. If you’ve done everything in your power to fix the item, but it has refused to respond, throw it away and get a new one. Heating pads are electric devices. Therefore, a malfunction in a heating pad can harm you, especially if it starts a fire.
I only had this item for less than a year and its already blinking after unplugging and letting it reset I’m totally disappointed in the durability of the heating pad. Not reliable and would not buy or recommend. Sad.