What Replaces Bryant Breakers? (Siemens, Eaton, GE, Square D)

are bryant breakers interchangeable with eaton, ge, square d, siemens, ge

Common sense will tell you to replace a Bryant breaker with another Bryant breaker. But what if you can’t find Bryant breakers? What other brands can you install in a Bryant panel? The guide below will tell you.

What Replaces Bryant Breakers?

Bryant Breakers Compatibility Chart

Square DCompatible


If you want to replace Bryant with Siemens, you’re not alone. No one makes Bryant breakers anymore. The company went out of business. Unless you can find one of the few Bryant breakers available on platforms like eBay, you’re better off using Siemens.

Siemens is a suitable replacement for Bryant. They look the same. More importantly, Siemens breakers can fit in a Bryant panel. Admittedly, this is not enough to justify the interchangeability between disparate brands. But in this case, Siemens customer support will also encourage you to replace Bryant with Siemens. The two brands are compatible with one another.


Eaton and Bryant are compatible. A contractor may encourage you to stick to Eaton breakers for Eaton panels. However, this situation is unique because Eaton owns Bryant. You can install Bryant BR breakers in many obsolete Eaton panels. The reverse is also true.

The official Eaton website has listed Siemens breakers as suitable replacements for Eaton. Because Siemens and Bryant are compatible, everyone expects Bryant and Eaton to work together.


General Electric is an excellent alternative to Bryant because of the brand’s size and accessibility. You can find them in most parts of the world. As far as their compatibility is concerned, Siemens breakers can work in GE panels.

This is good news for Eaton and GE because Eaton and Siemens are compatible with one another. If you need more proof of compatibility, Eaton has listed General Electric as a suitable replacement for their breakers.

This settles the matter. Manufacturers only list external brands as suitable alternatives for their breakers after testing those combinations. Eaton wouldn’t recommend GE unless it was convinced of the brand’s compatibility with its panels and breakers. This should put you at ease because Eaton and Bryant are compatible. Therefore, you can interchange GE and Bryant.

GE breakers in a Bryant panel can only fail if the size and voltage are wrong. Otherwise, these two brands are compatible with one another.

Square D

Square D is a reliable breaker with a sturdy build, which is why consumers interchange it with brands like Cutler-Hammer, Siemens, and Murray. You can also interchange Square D with Eaton. Eaton has listed the brand as a suitable alternative for Eaton breakers. Once again, Eaton’s compatibility with Square D is encouraging because Eaton and Bryant are also compatible. Therefore, you have every reason to assume that Square D and Bryant can work together.

How Do I Know If Bryant Breakers Are Compatible With Other Brand Breakers Or Not?

This question is somewhat tricky to answer because the manufacturers are unlikely to help you. They don’t want consumers to interchange breakers. As such, they always discourage this practice. You can blame this attitude on two factors:

1). Interchanging Breakers Is Risky.

Manufacturers design their breakers to fit specific panels. They expose those breakers to extreme conditions during the testing phase to ensure they exceed safety standards. People use Siemens, GE, and Eaton breakers and panels because they trust those tests.

They know manufacturers would never release breakers and panels unless those products could perform their tasks without exposing the user to fire and electrocution hazards. You eliminate that certainty by interchanging brands.

A GE breaker may work reliably in a GE panel, but you can’t trust it to do the same in a Murray panel. This is why manufacturers refuse to honor warranties when damage occurs because a consumer installed a breaker from a different brand.

2). Technology

Manufacturers don’t reveal the technology they use to make breakers because secrecy gives them a competitive edge. That secrecy makes the practice of interchanging breaker brands dangerous.

If you don’t know how GE and Bryant breakers are made, you can’t predict the response you will get when you interchange them. The technological differences are the most significant concern because you can’t see them.

Many of the breakers on the market look alike. They have similar physical features and attributes. Unless you can perform the technical analysis required to prove compatibility between two breaker brands, you are better off using the same brand for a breaker and its panel.

But with Bryant breakers, you don’t have a choice in the matter because the brand was discontinued. They have become more difficult to find. Therefore, if your Bryant breaker dies, you have no choice but to find a replacement from an alternative brand. You can avoid poor matches by taking the following into account:

1). Check The Labels

Panels have labels on the door that reveal the type of breaker you need. In many cases, the manufacturer will list all the compatible brands on the panel door. Any brand mentioned on your Bryant panel will work.

This is the safest way of determining compatibility. Any brand you use that doesn’t appear on the panel’s door is a hazard. Proceed carefully. Admittedly, the labels you typically see on panels tend to fade over time, and you can’t always rely on them, especially if you’ve had yours for a long time.

This is why companies provide lists of compatible brands on their online platforms. A simple phone call will also get you the information you need.

2). The Attributes Of The Breakers You Want To Interchange Should Match

Many people won’t hesitate to replace a Bryant breaker with an Eaton product. Eaton owns Bryant now. Therefore, you expect compatibility between Eaton and Bryant breakers.

However, even when two breakers originate from the same parent company, they can fail to match because their attributes differ. Pay attention to the voltage and amperage. Additionally, the type of breaker matters.

For instance, you shouldn’t replace a double-pole Bryant breaker with a single-pole Eaton breaker. Check the documentation that accompanied your old Bryant breaker if you want to know the specs. The old breaker’s specs should mirror the new breaker’s specs, regardless of the brand.

3). Check The Mounting Style

You can install a breaker with the wrong voltage and amperage. You won’t notice your mistake until things go wrong. However, you can’t install a breaker with the wrong mounting style. The panel will reject the new breaker.

The setting can influence the mounting style. For instance, breakers that use a bolt-in mounting style because they work with panels in industrial environments. You can’t use snap-in style breakers in an industrial setting because the frequent vibrations would dislodge them. 

The Bryant breakers in most residential settings have a conventional mounting style. However, you are still encouraged to consider the mounting style of the new breaker before you buy it.

4). Form Factor

The physical configuration is crucial because many manufacturers create breakers with unique designs to prevent them from fitting in panels from a different brand. These tactics are not enough to prevent interchangeability because technicians can perform modifications.

However, for the layperson, the shape and size are enough to prevent them from replacing their Bryant breaker with a different brand.

5). UL Classification

If a breaker from a different brand can safely replace the Bryant breaker in your panel, Underwriters Laboratories will say so. The organization tests breakers and panels from different brands to determine their compatibility.

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