Laptop Charger Noise (Crackling, Buzzing, Clicking, Beeping)

dell, toshiba, asus, hp laptop charger making crackling, buzzing, clicking, beeping, hissing, ticking, sizzling, high-pitched, static sound and noise

All chargers are noisy to an extent, especially when you connect them to a power source. I don’t want you to panic when you hear these noises. But that raises a question. When is the right time to panic? Which noises are innocent, and which ones are dangerous?

Why Is My Laptop Charger Making Noise When Charging?

1). High-Frequency Sounds

Chargers transmit electricity, and electricity is not silent.

Laptop chargers will generate noise that sounds like hissing and crackling when you connect them to a wall outlet. This high-frequency sound is perfectly normal. It shouldn’t concern you.

If you touch the adapter, you will notice that the temperature has risen slightly. That is also normal. Additionally, electricity encounters resistance as it passes through a conductor. That resistance produces heat.

Therefore, you shouldn’t lose any sleep over a warm charger that makes hissing sounds. The noise should only worry you if it grows louder. Most people don’t realize that their chargers make noise because the sounds in question are not loud enough for them to hear. A charger that hisses and crackles loudly requires your immediate attention.

2). Loose Connections

You can blame charger sounds on a loose connection. Components in the charger can become loose as they wear out over the months and years.

3). Outlet Is At Fault

Some consumers blame their chargers for making noise when the outlet is at fault. Outlets can hiss and crackle loudly when they develop a defect.

Because the charger is connected to the outlet, you may assume that the outlet’s noise is coming from the charger. Connect the charger to a different outlet. If the first outlet was at fault, the problem will disappear once you plug the charger into the second outlet.

4). Damaged Chargers

Some damaged chargers will stop working. Others will continue to operate, but they will become noisy. Inspect the charger and look for cracks, breaks, and burn marks.

Also, pay attention to the temperature. Chargers will become warm when you connect them to a power source. But they shouldn’t be so hot that you can barely hold them.

This is due to short circuits in the adapter. Additionally, a hot environment can cause the charger to overheat, damaging its internal components. For instance, if you place the charger next to a heat pump’s vent or in direct sunlight.

Some chargers will warn you that things have gone wrong by beeping. In other cases, you have to look for signs of trouble such as overheating and loud noises.

5). Age

Some chargers have reached the end of their lifespans. You have used them for so long they are finally worn out. You can try fixing them, but it is just a matter of time before they stop working.

You don’t want to use a charger that makes noise because of old age because it could explode.

Different Laptop Charger Noise and Troubleshooting Tips

A defective charger is a ticking time bomb. It is a threat to you and everyone in your house. You should diagnose the device to ensure that the noises are harmless before the worst comes to pass. These are just a few of the sounds you may hear in a laptop charger:

Laptop Charger Making Crackling Noise – Why?

  • You have a poor connection between the socket and charger
  • The charger is producing the same high-pitched noise all chargers make when you use them.
  • You have a loose connection in the laptop

How To Fix It?

You have to consult a technician. Crackling sounds are tricky because laptop chargers produce a high-frequency noise that sounds like hissing or crackling when you connect them to a power source.

You need a technician to scrutinize the charger to determine whether the crackling sound is safe or dangerous. While you wait for the technician, try a different charger.

If the crackling sounds persist, you should turn your attention to the outlet or laptop. The charger is probably fine.

Laptop Charger Making Buzzing Noise – Why?

A laptop charger makes buzzing due to a damaged charger. You have to disconnect the charger from the laptop before it harms the machine. You can blame damaged chargers on mishandling, power surges, and the like.

You don’t have to worry when buzzing is similar to the low hum, whine, or crackle that chargers make when you connect them to a power source. The noise should only concern you if the buzzing is harsh, irregular, and louder than usual.

How To Fix It?

If the buzzing is too loud and irregular, you need a replacement, especially if the charger has burn marks. You cannot take chances with a potentially defective charger. If you just bought it, return the charger and get a new one.

Laptop Charger Making Noise Cricket – Why?

This could be coil whine. Make sure the noise is not coming from the speakers.

How To Fix It?

You can’t do anything about coil whine at the moment. If you can’t stand the sound, get a new laptop charger.

Laptop Charger Making Clicking Noise – Why?

Start by identifying the source of the clicking sound. Is it coming from the charger or the laptop? Technicians associate the clicking with the HDD or speakers.

  • If the charger is the problem, you probably have a short in the adapter.
  • One other concern is voltage spikes.
  • You will also notice this sound in laptops whose chargers are connected to an inverter.

How To Fix It?

This is another sound that requires a technician. If you have voltage spikes, an electrician must analyze your home’s wiring before identifying a solution. If the power source is the problem, you need a professional to recommend an alternative power source or a different computer brand.

Laptop Charger Making Beeping Noise – Why?

  • The laptop charger makes beeping sounds when the adapter is loose
  • The laptop will beep because it cannot get the power it needs from the charger. This can happen because the outlet is defective or damaged
  • A short in the charger can lead to beeping

How To Fix It?

  • If you see burn marks and you can smell burnt plastic around the charger, get a replacement
  • Make sure the adapter and its cord are firm in the outlet and laptop port
  • Use a different outlet
  • Get a charger whose rating matches the specifications of the laptop’s battery.

Laptop Charger Making Hissing Noise – Why?

The laptop charger makes a hissing noise because of the damaged laptop, adapter, or power cord. But many chargers produce a hissing noise when you connect them to a power source.

The hissing is similar to a low hum, crackling, or buzzing. Some people hear hissing; others hear crackling.

How To Fix It?

Hire a technician. A regular, low hissing is not a problem because most chargers produce a soft hiss or hum. But if you can’t tell whether the sound is typical or unusual, talk to a technician.

They can pull the charger apart to figure out whether or not you have a reason to worry. Even if the charger is fine, a technician’s inspection will put your mind at ease.

Laptop Charger Making Ticking Noise – Why?

A charger can make hissing and humming sounds but not ticking. Start by checking the computer. You will hear ticking sounds on a damaged system board.

You should also look at the jack. Is it burnt or damaged? An overcharge protection circuit could be at fault. These mechanisms protect the battery.

How To Fix It?

This is another problem that requires the assistance of a technician. You can check the laptop’s manual to determine whether the machine is supposed to make ticking sounds.

If the manual doesn’t mention ticking sounds, use your warranty to get a new laptop or inexpensive repairs. Don’t be surprised if your technician encourages you to get a new laptop or charger. If the damaged jack is the problem, replace it.

Laptop Charger Making Noise and Not Charging – Why?

  • Loose or damaged battery
  • The charger has the wrong rating. It is not powerful enough
  • Check the power cord and connector for tears and burn marks
  • A surge destroyed the charger. It will smell like something’s burning inside.
  • The laptop’s port is damaged, or it has debris.
  • Loose connections

How To Fix It?

Most of these problems require a technician. They will tell you whether the charger, connectors, ports, and batteries can be fixed or if you need replacements. You are better off replacing the battery and charger, especially if they smell. But a technician can apply creative fixes to the power cord.

Laptop Charger Making Sizzling Noise – Why?

Sizzling is normal. Chargers have transformers and winding wires that transmit current. The vibrations generate sizzling and crackling sounds.

How To Fix It?

You don’t have to do anything. This sound is normal. You should only take action when the sizzling sound grows louder, and you notice additional symptoms like overheating.

That should encourage you to look for issues like debris in the laptop’s port, burn marks on the plug, an overheating adapter, etc. Unfortunately, you need a technician to solve those problems. Don’t open the adapter unless you have technical experience.

Laptop Charger Is Making A Static Noise – Why?

Static noises are similar to low humming and crackling. They are harmless. You will hear static sounds emanating from the laptop’s speakers.

How To Fix It?

You don’t have to fix static sounds. You expect to hear static noise in devices that transmit electricity.

Laptop Charger Making Popping Sound – Why?

  • Defective adapter
  • Damaged or shorted charger
  • Damaged system board
  • Damaged power jack

How To Fix It?

You don’t have much of a choice here. You have to replace the charger. You can’t use a popping charger. Depending on the severity of the damage, a technician may also encourage you to get a new power jack.

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